Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thoughts for a Thursday

Yesterday's food is posted here. From now on I will post these at the end of each post.

I picked up a free yoga class coupon from Buzy Body Movement and went to their Yoga for Runners class today. What a lovely studio! There were only two of us plus the instructor and I loved the hands on approach of the instructor. If you're looking for a yoga studio in Kensington, give them a try.

I never knew why yoga instructors referred to attending yoga classes (or at home with the DVD) "your" practice. This never made sense to me until today, because I think I will be "practicing" yoga for a long time before I really get it. On the other hand, I don't think that a person ever becomes perfect at yoga. It seems to me that this would be beside the point of yoga. So I will breathe, stretch, fall over occasionally, and try to balance and just surrender to the process. Hey, I came to class. Whoot!

Another thing I learned about yoga is that you can buy mats that are different thicknesses. Who knew? I had a 3mm thick mat that killed my knees and sit bones. I never would have thought that an ample bottom such as mine would be bony. Hmmph! So now I am the proud owner of a 6mm mat. Ah relief!

Last week I mentioned that I had seen a coyote at 1 am . For poops and giggles I googled to see if coyotes were considered spirit animals. This is what I found...

COYOTE -  is the trickster.  When we're being too serious about life Coyote may come along to teach us to laugh at ourselves.  It is also the karmic enforcer, reminding us that whatever we do to others will be done to us.  Learning to balance wisdom with a sense of humor to make life work for us.

Taken from

Hmmmm.... Not a bad lesson to learn.

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