Thursday, January 20, 2011

Eat Pray Love

I am devouring Elizabeth Gilbert's book, Eat Pray Love. I saw the movie and wasn't so impressed. Now that I am reading the book I wonder how did they ever think they could get all of this into a movie?! I don't think I would have been as receptive to her book until now. Now I am at a place in my life where I am open to reading about her physical and spiritual journey.

I was sitting reading of her time in India when the strangest feeling came over me. It was like a lightness and clarity filled me all at once and I thought, "BE happy." I know this sounds strange, but I really just sat and thought, holy ****, BE happy (or happiness if you will). Happy is a verb, not a noun, and really shouldn't be an adjective. Happy isn't a place. Happy is a verb. pure and simple. No amount of striving for happiness will bring it. Once I stopped saying to myself, if only... when... I wish..... did I make room for happiness to just be.

If this is too deep for a Thursday I apologize, but on Monday evening I was doing the little tasks that make up "putting my home and family to bed", when it hit me. A completely pure feeling of contentment. I have never felt this content, not even at an all inclusive resort in Jamaica.

Another new thing for me is that I have no idea what is going to happen to me this year. Normally this would scare the bejeezus out of me. Now, I really don't care. Something will happen, we can be sure of that, but for now I'm not worrying about it. Will I go back to work? Don't know, in fact I don't know anything right now except I will be running a marathon at the end of the year (if fate doesn't have any other plans for me).

So that's me, calmer, happier, content.


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