Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday's Motivation

I made it through the weekend. I don't know how I am not a knotted up pretzel today, but somehow I made it through.

I mentioned early last week that I would be attending a Yoga for Runners workshop at Yoga Shala with Mike Dennison. This is not your PBS yoga. Oh no, this was yoga that literally brought me to tears. It was a wonderfully informative workshop as well as the HARDEST yoga I have ever practiced. Saturday night I was a walking corpse. My ass was handed to me on a platter.

On Sunday, I went back for seconds. (How masochistic am I!). But not before I did my practice session with the Running Room in the morning. 8:30 on a Sunday morning, starting my first set of run 2 minutes, walk 1 minute, thinking "What the hell am I doing here?!?" I referred to Dory again and kept the mantra "Just keep running, just keep running" in my head. The second day of the workshop was much better, all about the stretching of the body, and boy did I need it.

Today, my only plan was to walk to the clinic to get little one's shots. That plan promptly failed when the jogging stroller needed air in the tires. I am the worst stroller tire air pumper in the world. I must be, because here I am, pumping away like there's no tomorrow and there's NO air going in the tires. Sigh! Tomorrow I need to go out again so I will get Tim to do it tonight.

My only motivation this week is to get out tomorrow for an extra practice of the 2 & 1's. Maybe attempt Mike's Yoga DVD that I bought.

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