Monday, December 20, 2010

Monday's Motivation

Last week I picked up the January issue of O Magazine. One article on the cover is, "Weight Loss Made Simple - The Only Tip You'll Ever Need". Sounded pretty good to me so I bought it, brought it home and flipped to page 126. The article is all about motivation and finding one really good reason to exercise to stay motivated.

Step number one is to pick a reason to exercise from a list of ten possible reasons. I chose #2 - I want to lose weight and keep it off. I also like #3 - I want to look better. That one is a no brainer. Who doesn't want to look better?

Step number two is to scrap the excuses. My biggest excuse is the time factor. I have a five month old. He is my boss and I am his lowly personal assistant. Not really, but some days it sure feels that way. I'm lucky to get one thing accomplished per day. My other excuse is it's damn cold outside and I hate treadmills. I know, picky picky! My last excuse is I don't like working out alone, it's too easy to blow off exercising.

Step 3 is to set your goals.

1) What is my exercise goal? - Starting small would be getting out on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday for a thirty minute brisk walk. The goal after that is to join a Learn to Run program with the Running Room in January.

2) What's the most positive outcome of achieving this goal?  - Feeling healthy and fit again. Being able to keep up with my son once he starts to get mobile.

3) What's the main obstacle getting in the way? - Timing my walks to coincide with my son's nap schedule.

4) How can I overcome this obstacle? - For now, my mum is visiting so I can head out by myself. For later, I have babysitting set up for when I need it.

5) How should I achieve my goal? (Focus on the where & when) - I will walk around my neighborhood at 12:30 when my little one naps.

There! Now let's see if I can pull this off.

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